Welcome to Dr. Ellouise's Blog About Being Healthy Even If You're Poor!

Because of the comments people have made about the URL of this site, I have moved it to one that is less offensive. The new site is: http://www.notwealthybuthealthy.blogspot.com

This site will remain so you can get the old recipes, but the new site will be used from now on.

Today is Thanksgiving, have a wonderful one with lots of family, friends, food and FUN!

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Chili Project!

The chili was wonderful!  It took a while to cook and drain the beans 3 times.  While they were cooking, I put together the other ingredients and put them into my crockpot. When the beans were finished, I added them and then put them into the crockpot.  Since they were now ready except for blending the flavors, I went for a walk.  Probably not the wisest thing I've ever done because, since the car accident in July, my hips don't work correctly and I was really sore after the walk.  But, it felt good to be outside and I appreciated the walk.  And, there was no rain so that was special too.  When I got home, I ate some chili.  YUM! Actually, it was so good that I didn't add bread or even a salad, I just ate the chili.  Lots of protein from the beans, and the tomatoes provided the licopene.

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