Welcome to Dr. Ellouise's Blog About Being Healthy Even If You're Poor!

Because of the comments people have made about the URL of this site, I have moved it to one that is less offensive. The new site is: http://www.notwealthybuthealthy.blogspot.com

This site will remain so you can get the old recipes, but the new site will be used from now on.

Today is Thanksgiving, have a wonderful one with lots of family, friends, food and FUN!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Potatoes Are Plentiful at the Food Bank and They are NOT Fattening!

Each week I get a bag of potatoes.  Many people have the mistaken idea that potatoes are fattening. They're really not......as long as you don't add the calories from sour cream, cheddar cheese, mounds of butter and etc.

The other misconception is that potatoes have no protein.  Since the late 40's, when the meat and dairy council began their advertising campaigns (disguised as "nutritional education"), Americans have been brainwashed to think that the only way to get protein is to eat a half-pounder with bacon and cheese.  However, scientific studies (not the ones sponsored by the meat and dairy council) show that we only need between 3% and 5% of our calories to be protein daily.  Now here's the kicker---potatoes have 13% protein! 

So, the trick is to eat them in ways that are healthy, without the additional fat from animal products!  My next post will be my Home Fries Recipe.

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